Twin Ports Freshwater Folk: Selected Student Research Talks


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The Twin Ports Freshwater Folk (TPFF) webinars are for people in the Twin Ports communities of Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin, and anyone engaged in freshwater research, policy, or management. TPFF meetings are the first Wednesday of every month and include networking and informal discussion followed by a presentation(s) on a freshwater topic.

University of Minnesota Duluth Graduate Student Audrey Huff will present "You Are What You Eat: The Impact of Food Quantity and Quality on Quagga Mussel C-N-P Cycling."

University of Minnesota Duluth Graduate Student Megan Corum will present "Spatial Patterns and Environmental Drivers of Horizontal, Diel, and Seasonal Distribution of the Invasive Zooplankton, Bythotrephes in a Minnesota Reservoir."

University of Minnesota Duluth Graduate Student Kirill Shchapov will present "Contrasting Full-Year Seasonality of Zooplankton and Benthos Abundance and Nutritional Quality in Lake Superior."


University of Minnesota Duluth Water Resources Science Graduate Student Audrey Huff.

University of Minnesota Duluth Biology Graduate Student Megan Corum.

University of Minnesota Duluth Water Resources Science Graduate Student Kirill Shchapov.


Minnesota Sea Grant Research and Fellowship Coordinator Alex Frie.

Image credit: University of Minnesota Duluth